Easter Art Project Ideas | Study.com (2024)

InstructorGrace PisanoShow bio

Grace attended James Madison University has a bachelor's degree in history and a master's degree in teaching. She previously taught 2 years of high school social studies in several states around the country.

In the elementary school curriculum, holidays and seasons lend themselves to many lessons. In this resource, find art projects for your elementary level students to complete around Easter.

Table of Contents

  • Easter Projects
  • Spring Animals
  • Faberge Eggs
  • Decorating Eggs - Science Connection

Easter bunnies, egg hunts, spring flowers and baby animals are all symbols of spring and Easter. There are a variety of art activities to do related to Easter that your students will love. Thankfully, these projects all have easily connections to most elementary school curricula, too. In this resource you will find a variety of art projects to do with your elementary level students in the spring. These projects will all be completed individually. In several of the projects, there are variations included for upper and lower elementary students.

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For this project, students will be looking at different animals that are born in the spring (sheep, rabbits, chickens, birds, etc). First, talk about these animals and why they are associated with spring. You could start by asking students what animals they think of when it comes to spring. Next, have students create an image using whatever materials you have available (crayons, paint, paper collage, markers, etc) to draw a scene that includes at least two different types of animals associated with spring and Easter. Depending on student level and ability, either have students explain their picture to the class (or a partner if time does not allow for all students to share) or write a one paragraph description of their image.

  • Materials Needed: Coloring materials, copy paper

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In the late 19th and early 20th century, jeweler Peter Carl Faberge over saw the team that built almost 70 beautiful, decorative eggs for the Russian royal family. Although some have been lost or destroyed over time, these eggs are one of the most famous pieces of art from this historical period in Russia. In this project, students will be creating their own Fabrege Eggs on paper. Begin by showing students different images of the eggs. Have several close-up pictures, so that students can see the fine details. Then, teach students about the history of the eggs. For older students, allow them to do independent research on a tablet or computer. Finally, students will create their own egg on a piece of paper. Hand all students a piece of heavy cardstock with the outline of an egg on the paper. Next, allow students to create their egg using a variety of materials. Think about including some things that students cannot normally use like sequins, buttons, tissue paper, etc. Once they are done, students will share their eggs with the class. Have older students write a 3-5 sentence paragraph about how their egg was inspired by the Fabrege Eggs.

  • Materials Needed: Cardstock with egg shape, art supplies, technology for student research (optional)

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A popular Easter tradition is to dye and decorate eggs. Your students will love to do this in the class, and it makes for a great connection to science. Before class, hard boil 3-4 eggs per student (you may want to ask for parents who can volunteer to bring in a dozen eggs to take some of the work off of you). The eggs can be white or brown. Then, gather supplies to make your own Easter egg dye. You can find detailed recipes online, but boiling one cup of any of the following ingredients with 1 cup of water is a great start for dye: red cabbage, beets, yellow onion skin, turmeric, black coffee, spinach. Strain out the vegetables and then place the dyes in large bowls for students to put their eggs in.

When it is time to decorate the eggs, have students name different colored vegetables. Then, ask them if they think these vegetables could be used for something other than eating. Tell students how you made the dye.

Allow students to pick a color to dye one egg. Allow the eggs to sit for about 5 minutes before students take them out of the dye. Next ask students the following:

  • What would happen if you left the egg in for longer? For shorter?
  • What do you think would happen if there was wax on the egg that blocked dye?

After having this discussion, allow students free time to decorate the remainder of their eggs. They may use wax or crayons to create designs.

If your student's ability level allows, they should write a 1-2 paragraph reflection on the project. This reflection can include their initial hypothesis about the dye, future predictions about how to make other color dye, what they enjoyed about the activity, etc.

  • Materials Needed: Hard boiled eggs, vegetables and water for dye, paper towels, bowls, white wax/ crayons

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Name: Tish Haag

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