QUICK & EASY Face Shape Drawing Lesson (2024)

Only have 5 minutes? Today's face shape drawing lesson is for YOU!

In today's quick, step by step tutorial, we're going to be studying reference photos for drawing 5 face shapes in real time. If you've always wanted to learn how to draw a face, have been struggling with how to work drawing practice into your daily life, if the faces you draw ALL LOOK THE SAME, or ... if you need to add MORE FUN into your art practice, THIS


We're in week six of the5 in 5 Drawing Facial Featuresseries on my YouTube Drawing Channel, and this week is focused on how to draw a face shape step by step!!

If you're just discovering this series, we are working on drawing facial features and only spending about 5 minutes with each face drawing reference I've provided.

This whole series on my YouTube drawing channel is a FUN way to help us establish a daily art practice that doesn't take forever, and will help increase your drawing skills as an artist - EVEN if you're a beginner, who just wants to finally learn how to draw a face!!!

If you don't have my 20 -page,5 in 5 Practice Packet - you'll want to download that now. This has all the face drawing references you need for the entire series, and you can work directly on each practice worksheet.Best of all, it's yours, FREE.

Simply click the button below, and I'll send it straight to your inbox!

Even though I'm on week six of the series, don't feel like you're behind if you are just discovering this. This drawing practice is for YOU to do on your own time, at your own pace. There is no schedule, just FUN!!

All you need to do the drawing exercises is my5 in 5 Practice Packetis basically a good eraser and a pencil. You totally don't have to get fancy.

Before we continue, super quick announcement!All product links noted below are Affiliate. I may earn a small commission if you choose to order through these links, but by law there is never any additional cost to the consumer for doing so. I only reccommend products I actually use and love. Thank you for your support!

QUICK & EASY Face Shape Drawing Lesson (4)

If youareinterested in some fancier drawing tools - I'm using two of my favorites today: aBlackwing pencil, and myvanish eraser.

Since today we're just going to draw face shape, there isn't any shading, so, no need for a blending stump. In fact, if all you have is a regular #2 school pencil- that's perfect! You never need fancy supplies when you're hanging out with me.

Let's get started!!

Face shape drawing may not seem like it's all that important, but I feel like it's something that's typically overlooked, because it's so subtle.

It's SUPER easy for artists who love whimsical face drawing to discover a "way" they like to draw face shape (mine is by drawing a zillion ovals, on the left above!!). Then before you know it, suddenly we find ourselves with a portfolio of faces that all look the same - even if they're beautiful!!

One of the ways you can avoid what we call "same face syndrome" in art - is to use a face drawing references when you're drawing, because these images will inspire you to try new angles, facial feature positions, etc.

Hop over to the video so I can SHOW YOU exactly what I mean ;)

When I'm trying to vary face shape, I pay close attention to bends and angles in the jaw, because this varies so much from human to human.

As you'll see in the video, I can't even start this face without drawing a million ovals, LOL! That's just my thing!! From there, I note my face drawing guidelines, and start to refine, based on what I see in my reference photo.

If you're not sure what I mean when I say "face drawing guidelines," you DEFINITELY need my cheatsheet to help you understand wherethe facial features should rest on every face you draw.Guidelines are THE KEY to making your face drawings proportional!

Simply click the button below, and I'll send you my one-page Whimsical Face Drawing Guidelines.

I printed and laminated this cheatsheet for myself because these guidelines are SO important. They will make every face you draw look proportional, no matter what ethnicity you're drawing.

In general - we're surprisingly ALL the same as humans in this regard, even though we're all so unique! If you check out myWhimsical Women of the World face drawing series on YouTube, you'll see exactly what I mean!!

Sketching in myface drawing guidelines helps me zero in on each little section of the face, one at a time. This helps me pay closer attention to the angles and curves I need to replicate in my drawing, and helps the WHOLE face not feel so overwhelming.

Remember I'm doing all of this in real time over on YouTube, so be sure to join me so Ican teach you HOW to draw a face shape step by step!!

I spend the bulk of my time for each of these face drawing references observing, and trying to replicate what I see. There's no shading or extra detail to layer in like we had in previous weeks, so you will likely breeze through these exercises!

Just because you might get through them quickly doesn't mean they're not worthwhile!! You're definitely sharpening your observational and drawing skills as you draw face shapes.

Our second reference image has more curves happening in her face shape. Again, it helps me to first sketch out an oval, mark my face drawing guidelines, and focus on drawing one small section at a time.

As I get to reference image 3, I notice she has a very different chin from the others. Looking at this makes me go back and take a second look at the previous chins to see if I caught the nuances there, or if I need to make adjustments.

​Remember, you can ALWAYS go back and do the same when something new like this catches your eye.

I specifically chose each of these face shape drawing references on purpose because I felt they were all so unique, and wanted to give you some good practice at drawing different face shapes! The one below felt like really great practice for round face shape drawing.

Her angles and curves are SO interesting, right?!

As you focus on basic face shape drawing with me today (and I HOPE you're doing this with me!!!), you'll notice that you don't need to make huge variations from face to face for each drawing to take on a life of its own!

If you haven't been using drawing reference images for your art in the past, I think they will help you sharpen your observational skills and make your drawings look SO much more sophisticated.

Even if you want to draw in more of a whimsical or cartoon style vs realistic - taking characteristics from real life people will add more depth to your work.

I hope you enjoyed today's face shape drawing tutorial, and the whole 5 in 5 Drawing Series!

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QUICK & EASY Face Shape Drawing Lesson (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.